In the News.

President End of Year Letter 2021

Dear Partners,

Thanks to everyone who joined us on Zoom to recap 2021 and look at 2022 plans. IPREX is lucky to have the engagement and input of business leaders at the top of our field, like yourselves. The collegiality and level of engagement from partners near and far on how best to move IPREX forward energized the team to execute the plan we shared and reaffirmed what connects us all to IPREX: Us.

For IPREX, 2021 was a year largely focused on building our infrastructure and tools. We started the year with a refreshed brand. The IPREX Academy, aimed to nurture staff and assist in retention, welcomed 15 participants and scored high marks in its first year. The IPREX Professional Network – launched late last year – was eagerly adopted by many to quickly connect and share opportunities. We helped partners to continue to learn via four virtual conferences and two webinars. The committees churned out an impressive crop of tools: a thought leadership program partners used to their own media relations success, two EMEA practice groups, diversity, equity and inclusion advice and assets, and the Point of View program to share wisdom on key issues. The APAC region became a small-but-mighty force, hosting its own well-attended, external-facing events. And all of that happened while nearly all partners received new business opportunities or work from the network (largest shared account: $2.3 million!) and we continued to build the budget into the black.

On that solid foundation, 2022 will focus outward on building IPREX’s reputation among potential clients and partners. Initial work will begin in Q1 to lay the foundation for a new website that reflects who we are and can be easily maintained and updated. And to maximize the budget, we will look to lower-cost country development, as per partner suggestions. We will shift media relations responsibilities from the sole purview of the Marketing Committee to a resourced position, giving it the attention it deserves. At long last, we will put paid social media support behind some of our most promising assets, with an eye toward expanding our audience.

We’re starting the year on a wave of momentum from the Marketing Committee’s efforts with strong global media coverage of partner announcements and our thought leadership articles. Our Communications Week 2021 sponsorship brought us into new territory, with a webinar on Global Communications as part of the Week’s official virtual conference and a byline in PR Daily.

All of these elements together place IPREX’s brand building in the same place of prominence it holds for the clients that employ us all, and I feel really good about that. I’m also confident 2022 will bring us back together in person. Our online events brought new faces into the IPREX world and kept those us of who took advantage of them connected and often inspired, but meeting in person is IPREX for many of us, and nothing can truly replace it.

Cheers to a year of finding new ways to connect through IPREX, finding new ways of operating at our agencies in many cases, and trucking through ‘the great resignation’. And I can’t wait to actually hold a drink in my hand and clink glasses to a year of more shared business and sharing IPREX with the world.

Warmest wishes,




Dear IPREX Partner,

What a year it has been! As we all continue to navigate the IPREX network and agency life during a global pandemic, it is amazing to see the resilience, creativity and commitment demonstrated from all our IPREX partners around the globe. We have seen just how much our vast experience and expertise are needed for good communications during these challenging times.

2021 brought even more engagement among partners. We supported each other by tapping into business development prospects, network resources and learning opportunities, not to mention taking advantage of the inaugural year of the IPREX Academy.

As financial stewards of IPREX, our Executive Committee (volunteers!) navigates the delicate balance of ensuring we have sufficient funds on hand to support the network and our operations. We strive to manage costs to keep them as reasonable as possible and invest in new opportunities to enhance the partner experience and bring greater visibility and awareness to IPREX and our partners. This is no small task. Our job is to listen to all of you and consider your insights and perspectives when making the best decisions we can on behalf of our network of partners.

We have exciting initiatives planned for 2022, including conducting our biennial partner financial survey and sharing the results with the network. As Julie mentioned in her President’s Letter, we will be revitalizing the IPREX website to further support partners’ business development, as well as continuing to advance marketing and social media efforts to bring even more visibility and awareness to your network.

As you are no doubt already seeing, costs are increasing around the world for all goods and services. By reinvesting funds back into the network and closely managing the budget, we were able to minimize the IPREX dues increase for 2022 to $200. Dues for 2022 will be $5,500.

2022 partner dues invoices will be mailed in the coming days. We ask that payment be made, or a payment plan be in place, by January 31, 2022. Please reach out to our executive director, Alexandra Mayhew, or your regional director if you have questions or concerns about your dues.

We also plan to put a financial subcommittee in place next year to review onboarding fees and the emerging market fee, and to find ways to minimize costs such as alternative revenue sources, among other things. Stay tuned!

It is an honor and privilege to serve you and the IPREX network as your treasurer. I look forward to a successful and enriching year ahead for all our IPREX partners!

Warm regards,


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